Join The Team
Five Star Baits support some of the best anglers across the carp fishing scene. As part of the bait team you'll have a chance to offer helpful advice when it comes to creating and testing baits. You'll also receive a modest discount when purchasing your bait and tackle. If you're interested in joining the Five Star Bait Team, fill out the application form below and we'll get back to you soon. Here are a few tips to assist you in filling out your application: We're huge fans of social media so please let us know if you have Facebook or Instagram. If you don't have Instagram, we encourage you to get one and upload your best photos. Whenever we are searching for new team members, Instagram is our first port of call. Most of the time if we can't find you on social media it's because your privacy settings are too high or you've given us the wrong details. We won't spend ages trying to find you. Fish care is our number one priority. If you don't have a decent size net, an unhooking mat and the correct tackle, please do not apply. Photos must be 100% perfect, so if you have a few dodgy pictures on your Instagram, it is better to remove them. Every week, hundreds of applications come in. When we have to narrow it down to just a few people, it could be one photo with rubbish in the background that makes you lose out. DSLR photos are always preferred. Discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated, so we look for it on your social media accounts. We always prioritise our existing customers because they know our products, so if you do not have some of our bait, we recommend getting some. Do not lie on your application form by telling us you already own our products. We will check and once someone has lied, their application will be terminated. Honesty is the best policy. Don't claim you fish 4 nights a week and use 20kg of bait when it's really 2 nights and 1kg of bait a month. We understand people have lives outside of fishing. Since we receive hundreds of applications, you can imagine it takes us a long time to go through them all. Unfortunately, we can't take everyone on the team, so don't be discouraged if you don't hear back from us. Due to the volume of applications we receive, we only contact successful applicants.
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